Yes No Have your company ever been suspended from brokering loans to lender? If yes, please attach a complete explanation. FHA/HUD No.: Date Approved: Veterans Affairs No: Date Approved: Xxxxxx Xxx No: Date Approved: Freddie Mac No: Date Approved: Principal(s) / Senior Officer(s) / Manager(s) Name Title SSN # Percent Owned % % % % References: (List All FNMA/FHLMC Wholesale Lenders with Whom You Are Approved) Company Contact Person Email address Disciplinary Actions Does your company have an internal audit system to verify authenticity of the information contained in your loan? If yes, please attach documentation.
Date Incorporated. County: State: Federal ID No: If no Federal ID #., Broker SSN: License/Approval Broker of Record : License # : Broker NMLS #: Date Issued: Company NMLS #: Expiration Date: If licensed approved by any of the following entities, the following information is required.